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About us


The Koniklec Land Association was founded in 2010 by several friends interested in nature and the landscape. In June 2020, the land association received accreditation from the Czech Union for Nature Conservation. The place of its operation is the area of Central Pojihlaví and Pooslaví located on the border of the South Moravian Region and the Vysočina Region. It is named after the protected plant of the large-flowered passerine (Pulsatilla grandis), whose striking blue-violet flowers annually announce the arrival of spring in the local landscape.

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Mission of the association

The main mission of the land association is the nature and landscape conservation. The aim is, in cooperation with landowners, to improve the condition of naturally valuable places that are home to a number of rare species of plants and animals.

How we work

The Land Association cooperates mainly with landowners, local governments, state administration bodies, local business entities and, last but not least, citizens. In addition to its own resources and volunteer work, the association also uses financial contributions from various subsidy programs (especially the Program péče o krajinu) and contributions from private donors. The obtained funds are used mainly for the purchase of land and subsequent care for them. The Land Association has no permanent employees and its members devote themselves to the given activities in their free time.

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Projects yesterday, today and tomorrow


Project title: Care of VKP Letkovická stráň (cadastral district Letkovice) and VKP Skalky (cadastral district Ivančice) - habitats of endangered plant species

Brief description of the project: The project for the care of VKP Letkovická stráň consisted in ensuring the grazing of sheep and in the case of VKP Skalky then in the cutting of trees and mowing of grasslands.

    supported by the Veronica Foundation


Project title: Protection of natural resources in Ivančice

Brief description of the project: The project was focused on the improvement and preservation of valuable natural sites in the Ivančice region, representing the habitat of a number of rare animals and plants. These were the following localities and implemented interventions:

- VKP Letkovická stráň (cadastral district Letkovice) - sheep grazing + removal of woody plants

- VKP Skalky (cadastral district Ivančice) - mowing with a brushcutter + removal of woody plants

- VKP Skalky v Biskoupkách (cadastral district Biskoupky) - sheep grazing + removal of woody plants

- VKP Špičky (cadastral district Biskoupky) - mowing with a brushcutter + removal of woody plants

- VKP Hadcová stráň (cadastral district Biskoupky) - reduction of woody plants

- VKP Řeznovická skála (cadastral district Řeznovice) - reduction of woody plants

- VKP Řeznovický vrch (cadastral district Řeznovice) - liquidation of acacia thorn.

       supported by the OKD Foundation


Project title: Implementation of measures for the preservation and restoration of the habitat of the snake subspecies and thermophilic ant communities in the Mohelenská hadcová steppe NPR

Brief description of the project: The project included the implementation of measures to preserve and restore the habitat of the snake subspecies and thermophilic ant communities in the Mohelenská hadcová step national nature reserve. It was a measure consisting primarily in the reduction of stands of Scots pine and other woody plants in the locality of the so-called Ovčí skok. The project also included the removal of demolished mossy stands.

       supported under the CSOP Biodiversity program


Project title: Implementation of measures to support endangered species of diurnal butterflies in NPR Mohelenská hadcová step

Brief description of the project: The project included the implementation of measures to preserve and restore the habitat of endangered species of diurnal butterflies in the national nature reserve Mohelenská hadcová step. It was a measure consisting primarily in the removal of invasive trees (including invasive acacia thorn) and mowing of grass in the area located in the protection zone of the power line leading along the road from the town of Mohelno to the dam of the dam reservoir.

       supported under the CSOP Biodiversity program


Project title: Implementation of measures to support endangered groups of insects in the Mohelenská hadcová step

Brief description of the project: The project included the implementation of measures to preserve and restore the habitat of endangered groups of insects in the national nature reserve Mohelenská hadcová step. It was a measure consisting primarily in the removal of overgrowth trees (including the invasive blackthorn acacia) and mowing the grasslands. The measures were implemented in the Mohelenská hadcová step (Údolí Jihlava European protected area), in the area between the Ovčí skok rock located in the meander of the Devil's Tail and Bobšova chata.

       supported under the ČSOP Biodiversity program


Project title: Establishment of mother stands for the creation of a regional meadow mixture

Brief description of the project: The project included the establishment of mother stands of selected species of herbs usable in the formation of a regional meadow mixture.

       supported under the CSOP Biodiversity program


Project title: Implementation of measures to support gentian blue in the natural monument Černice

Brief description of the project: The aim of the project is to strengthen the population of endangered gentian (Gentiana cruciata) in order to enable the existence of a critically endangered gentian (Maculinea alcon) in the natural monument Černice (Údolí Jihlava European protected area). The content of the project is the gradual dilution of pine stands and removal of pine infestation, further disruption and removal of grass turf by machine mechanization - small tractor, defense of grass stands with the help of horse cover, removal of dry pines together with removal of wood and cleaning of fallen old wood.

       supported under the CSOP Biodiversity program


Project title: Establishment and maintenance of mother stands for the creation of a regional meadow mixture

Brief description of the project: The project includes the maintenance of existing and the establishment of new mother stands of selected types of herbs usable in the creation of a regional meadow mixture and the acquisition of the necessary practical experience associated with it.

       supported under the CSOP Biodiversity program


Project title: Development activities of the Land Association passerine

Brief description of the project: The project includes the creation of its own website presenting the activities of the land association in a modern and user-friendly way. The project also includes the development of conservation plans for 3 sites owned by the land association

       supported under the CSOP Support for the Establishment and Development of Land Associations program


Project title: Implementation of measures to improve the status of habitats of species from the Red Lists in the area of the middle Pojihlaví

Brief description of the project: The project focuses on the protection of endangered species of plants and animals, especially those listed in the Red Lists. It is a set of a number of individual and consecutive or interconnected measures for the protection of species listed in the Red Lists, which will be implemented through the preservation, improvement or restoration of their natural habitats. It is implemented in 14 separate localities in the area of central Pojihlaví.

       supported by Norwegian funds under Call No. SGS-1 "Rondane" of the Program "Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change"


Název projektu: Vydání publikace „Denní motýli a vřetenušky Mohelenské hadcové stepi a okolí“ (autor: Ing. Milana Švestka, DrSc.) a její distribuce mezi širokou veřejnost

Stručný popis projektu: Projekt zahrnuje vydání a distribuci publikace „Denní motýli a vřetenušky Mohelenské hadcové stepi a okolí“.  Jádrem publikace je část týkající se údajů o 143 druzích denních motýlů a vřetenušek. Každému druhu je věnovaná samostatná dvojstrana s textem o daném druhu a doprovodnými fotografiemi, včetně ukázky jeho typického přírodního biotopu. Publikace bude poskytnuta subjektům, které podpořily vydání publikace, z části pak autorovi, obcím (resp. knihovnám a školám) nacházejícím se v zájmovém území, odborným státním organizacím i úřadům v ochraně přírody. Zbývající část nákladu bude dostupná zájemcům z řad široké veřejnosti.


      podpořen Krajem Vysočina v rámci programu EDICE VYSOČINY 2022, dále pak Nadací ČEZ, společností KAVYL, spol. s r.o., obcí     Dukovany a obcí Mohelno


Název projektu: Rozvojové aktivity Pozemkového spolku Koniklec v roce 2023

Stručný popis projektu: Projekt zahrnuje pořízení ochranářských plánů pro 2 lokality v užívání pozemkového spolku, geometrického plánu za účelem sjednané směny pozemků a doplnění technického vybavení spolku.

      podpořen v rámci programu ČSOP Podpora vzniku a rozvoje pozemkových spolků


Název projektu:  Inventarizační průzkumy pro PSK v roce 2023

Stručný popis projektu: Projekt zahrnuje pořízení ochranářských plánů pro 2 lokality v užívání pozemkového spolku, geometrického plánu za účelem sjednané směny pozemků a doplnění technického vybavení spolku.

      podpořen v rámci programu ČSOP Ochrana biodiverzity

Kotva 1

Acquired naturally valuable areas

- Políčka nad Papírnou

- Slopes above Mohelský mill

- Pod Hájky

- land in the natural monument Černice


Financial donations support our activities and enable the purchase of naturally valuable land for free funds. Special thanks go to the Chvátals from Znojmo, Hance Středová, Lukáš Dokulil, Tomáš Mašíček, Vít Dorin and the companies VZD INVEST sro, DMS sro and the municipality of Horní Dubňany.

We would like to thank Josef Kašpar and Bernard Mack for their help with agricultural technology.

We thank Ing. Ludek Cech, Ing. Milan Švestek, DrSc., Doc. Mgr. Lubomír Tichý, Ph.D.

Implemented within the program of development of land associations of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation with the grant support of the Ministry of the Environment. The material does not have to express the opinion of the Ministry of the Environment.


Corporate volunteering

For companies, we offer corporate volunteering - work in locations in the care of the association. We can cite several years of experience with ČEZ a.s. as a reference

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